DTU Online Scholarship Form invites highly talented young researchers who have already obtained outstanding results during their PhD studies and who have demonstrated excellence and potential in their field of study, to apply for one the stipends under the Hans Christian Ørsted Postdoc program. The Online Scholarship Form program is named after Hans Christian Ørsted, discoverer of Electromagnetism and founder of the university.
Applicants for the Hans Christian Ørsted Postdoc Program Online Scholarship Form must have obtained a PhD degree, or be very close to graduating, from a university outside Denmark.The application must include a research plan of 3 pages maximum including references,that clearly outlines a project proposal for a 12 to 24 months stay at DTU; an application for more than 12 months requires co-financing from the DTU department (see below). The Online Scholarship Form project description must be formulated so as to be comprehensible to professors and researchers without expertise in the specialist field in question. The research plan should also briefly reflect on how the project supports the research at the hosting department. Online Scholarship Form applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their research plan, publication list, and written letters of recommendation from their latest university department and most recent employer.As a requirement, the application must include a letter of confirmation signed by the relevant DTU department head, stating that the department and the candidate have agreed upon the research plan for the duration of the postdoc. This letter should also describe any agreements on co-financing, if applicable. Therefore, contact must have been established with a department at DTU prior to submitting your application.
Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Building 101A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Tel.: +45 45 25 25 25
Fax: +45 45 88 17 99
E-mail: dtu@adm.dtu.dk
Last Date To Apply:12 May 2011.
Source: http://www.dtu.dk/English/About_DTU/vacancies.aspx?guid=377589ea-10a5-4cef-a217-90ce824fd687
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